Friday, August 5, 2016

Go Springboks

As I have been traveling around the Port Elizabeth area, I have been looking to see what kind of games and sports are being played. Every time I’ve seen a sport being played on TV, it has been rugby.  I spent some time talking to a lady at a local sports store and she confirmed that rugby is one of the most popular sports in S. Africa.  The South African team is the Springboks which is a type of antelope. Their colors are green and gold. They have been very successful in international play.  I have definitely seen more rugby stores so far than any other type of sport.  The most interesting fact I learned was that play is not stopped and keeps going even if the ball hits the ground or a player is tackled. The ball carrier has to release the ball when tackled and roll out of the way so that other players on their feet can try to get it. That is not what I am used to when watching our Carolina Panthers!
                                                                           Rules of Rugby                                                                    

As I was taking a walk along the beach front Sunday, I watched a family playing cricket.  Cricket is another popular sport in South Africa.  The national team is the Proteas, which is a flowering plant.  I purchased some crickets sets to bring back to Jacksonville.  I’m eager to learn how to play so I can teach my students.  I would love to be able to compare the similarities and difference between this and one of our favorite national pastimes – baseball. However,  I do want to point out in closing, at the schools and the youth center, all the children are playing one of our favorite sports – soccer!

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